The distance between.  2010.  Oil and charcoal on canvas.  36 x 48
Muskoka Whitewash.  2010.  Oil and charcoal on canvas.  36 x 48
Cape Turtle Dove (Disappearance).  2009. Oil, acrylic and charcoal on canvas.  24 x 36
Cape Turtle Dove (Disappearance).  2009.  (Detail)
Cuckold.  2009.  Oil, acrylic and charcoal on canvas.  24 x 36
Cuckold.  2009.  (Detail)
Mourning Dove (The violence of being in the wrong place).  2009.  24 x 36
Mourning Dove (the violence of being in the wrong place). 2009. (Detail)
European Starling.  2009.  Oil and acrylic on canvas.  30 x 36
European Starling.  2009. (Detail)
Red Winged Starling(intruder).  2009.  Charcoal, acrylic ink and goache on paper.  22 x 30
Inclement weather. 2008. Charcoal, acrylic ink and gouache on paper. 22 x 30
Karoo landscape with migratory bird (blou). 2008. Oil and charcoal on canvas. 36 x 48
Karoo landscape with migratory bird. 2008.  Oil and charcoal on canvas. 36 x 48
Karoo landscape with migratory bird (blanje).  2008.  (Detail)
Karoo landscape with migratory bird (oranje). 2007. Oil and charcoal on canvas. 36 x 48
Karoo landscape with migratory bird (oranje). 2007. (Detail)