Pink Spectre. 2010. Oil and charcoal on canvas. 48 x 36
Remembering (all the pretty things). 2009. Oil, charcoal and acrylic on canvas. 24 x 18
Repeat Offender. 2009. Oil, charcoal and acrylic on canvas.  24 x 18
Filling in the blancs. 2009.  Oil, charcoal and acrylics on canvas. 24 x 18
Facing Facts.  2009.  Charcoal, acrylic ink and gouache on paper.  30 x 22
Forgetting (a violent act). 2009.  Charcoal and acrylic ink on paper. 27.5 x 19.5
Under the weather.  2008. Charcoal, acrylic ink and gouache on paper.  30 x 22
Expatriate.  2008.  Oil and charcoal on canvas.  48 x 36
Immigrant.  2007.  Oil and charcoal on canvas.  48 x 36